
Contact Us

We are located within the West Beach Parks administration and operations corporate office – together with Rugby SA, Triathlon SA and PedalPrix. Look for the white building opposite the West Beach Big4 Caravan Park and follow the signs.

Please note our office hours are 9am-3pm, Monday to Friday.

Referral & Registration
Therapy Groups Registration

Therapy Groups Registration

Visiting our office

West Beach Parks Sport Hub
Military Road
West Beach SA 5024

Postal Address

​PO Box 132
West Beach SA 5024​




(08) 8355 7465


What is the NDIS and how does it work?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a single, National program that funds reasonable and necessary support to help people with a disability or children with developmental delay reach their goals.

Each participant in the scheme has an NDIS plan, which details their goals, the supports needed to achieve them, and the funding allocated in each area. This plan is reviewed periodically and adjusted as needed.

Am I eligible to access the NDIS?

The NDIS is open to all Australian citizens or permanent residents aged 7 – 65, who have a permanent and significant disability.

Children aged 0 – 6 may be able to access support through Early Childhood Early Intervention if the child has a developmental delay or diagnosed disability. The ECEI approach supports families to help children develop the skills they need to take part in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout their life.

Check the NDIS eligibility tool to see whether you are eligible and find out more about how to commence an application.

What supports do I Can Jump Puddles offer?

I Can Jump Puddles provides a range of services for children, youth and adults. We are a registered NDIS provider for:

Our website provides further information about each of these services and the approach we take. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us to register your details.

What are “reasonable and necessary” supports?

The NDIS will only fund “reasonable and necessary” supports that help the child/participant reach their NDIS goals.

Reasonable and necessary support must be:

  • related to your disability
  • value for money
  • likely to work and benefit the participant
  • based on evidence.

It does not include day to day living costs that aren’t related to your disability support needs.

How will my plan be managed?

You can choose how your NDIS plan funding will be managed. There are different options, including:

  • Complete self-management
  • Engaging a plan management provider
  • Managed through the NDIA
  • A combination of the above methods
What if I’m not happy about my plan?

If you are unhappy with the plan approved by the NDIS, you can ask for a review. A senior NDIA staff member will review the plan based on the information you’ve provided. Hopefully this will resolve any issues.

However, if you are unhappy with the outcome of the NDIA review, you can apply for an external review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Can I choose service providers?

Yes. The NDIS aims to give choice and control to participants to select the services they receive. You can also decide to change providers if needed.

If the NDIA is managing your funding, you will need to choose a registered NDIS provider, such as I Can Jump Puddles.

If you are self managing your plan or using a registered plan management provider, you can use any service provider. Note that if a provider is not registered, you may need to consider the quality, risks, safeguards and potential additional costs of that provider.

What can I do if I’m unhappy about the support I receive?

If you aren’t happy with the support you are receiving from one of your service providers, including I Can Jump Puddles, please contact the organisation directly.

All NDIS registered providers must have complaints management procedures in place – so your feedback will be acknowledged, investigated and resolved without adversely affecting you or the services you receive.

If you are unhappy with the response from the organisation, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and lodge a formal complaint.

What if I am not eligible for the NDIS?

If you don’t meet the access requirements for the NDIS, you can still get lots of information about other support that could benefit you. The NDIS can also help you with referrals.

For people who have been recently diagnosed with a neuromuscular condition, I Can Jump Puddles can also provide assistance in navigating entry to the NDIS. Contact us for more information.