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The Power of Predictability: How Developmental Educators Can Foster Routines

The Power of Predictability: How Developmental Educators Can Foster Routines

For many individuals, routines provide a sense of security and predictability. They offer a framework for the day, reducing anxiety and promoting independence. Developmental educators play a crucial role in helping people develop and implement routines, fostering a sense of accomplishment and a smoother flow to daily life.

The Benefits of Routine:

  • Reduced Anxiety: Routines create a sense of what to expect, minimizing surprises and potential triggers for anxiety.
  • Improved Independence: As routines become familiar, individuals gain confidence in their ability to complete tasks independently.
  • Enhanced Learning: Routines provide a predictable structure within which learning can occur. Transitions become smoother, allowing individuals to focus on new skills.
  • Increased Self-Regulation: Routines can help individuals anticipate and manage changes in their environment, promoting self-regulation skills.
  • Improved Communication: Visual schedules and clear communication about routines can enhance communication skills, especially for individuals with ASD.

The Role of the Developmental Educator:

Developmental educators can support the development of routines in several ways:

  • Collaboration: Work with families, therapists, and caregivers to develop routines that are consistent across all environments.
  • Individualization: Tailor routines to each person’s specific needs, preferences, and learning styles.
  • Visual Aids: Utilize visual schedules, picture cards, and timers to make routines clear and predictable.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate successes and acknowledge progress during the implementation of routines.
  • Breaking Down Tasks: Complex tasks can be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps within the routine.
  • Practice and Patience: Developing routines takes time and practice. Be patient and consistent in your approach.

Implementing Routines with Children with ASD:

For children with ASD, who may thrive on predictability, routines are especially beneficial. Here are some additional tips:

  • Focus on Sensory Needs: Integrate sensory activities into the routine to help children manage sensory overwhelm.
  • Provide Clear Communication: Use simple language, social stories, and visual cues to explain routines and upcoming transitions.
  • Allow for Flexibility: While routines are important, some flexibility may be necessary. Prepare children for occasional changes.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate even small successes in following the routine.

Building a Foundation for Success:

By fostering the development of routines, developmental educators equip individuals with the tools they need to navigate daily life with greater confidence and independence. Routines offer a foundation for learning, growth, and a sense of accomplishment. So, let’s embrace the power of predictability and help individuals thrive within the structure of a well-established routine.

Making a Splash: The Benefits of Hydrotherapy for Children with Autism

Making a Splash: The Benefits of Hydrotherapy for Children with Autism

For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), navigating the world can be a sensory adventure. Hydrotherapy, or water-based therapy, offers a unique and potentially rewarding approach to address some of the challenges associated with ASD.

A Calming Embrace:

Water’s natural buoyancy provides a sense of security and weightlessness, which can be deeply calming for children with ASD. The hydrostatic pressure can also have a massaging effect, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. This relaxed state allows children to be more open to therapy and learning new skills.

Sensory Symphony:

The aquatic environment offers a range of sensory experiences. The gentle resistance of the water can be stimulating for the proprioceptive system, which helps with body awareness and coordination. Additionally, the sound of splashing and the coolness of the water can provide proprioceptive and auditory input, potentially helping children who struggle with sensory processing.

Building Strength and Skills:

Hydrotherapy is a fantastic way to improve motor skills and coordination in a fun and engaging environment. The buoyancy of water allows children to practice movement with less risk of falls, fostering confidence and a willingness to try new things. Activities such as kicking, floating, and reaching can strengthen muscles and improve balance.

Social Splash:

While some children with ASD may prefer solitary activities, hydrotherapy can also be a springboard for social development. Therapist-led group sessions can provide a safe and controlled environment for practicing social interaction and communication skills. Playful water activities can encourage teamwork and cooperation.

Communication Through Play:

Hydrotherapy offers a unique opportunity for therapists to work on communication goals in a less structured setting. Therapists can use water games and activities to encourage children to follow instructions, take turns, and express themselves verbally and non-verbally.

Beyond the Pool:

The benefits of hydrotherapy extend beyond the pool. The improved sensory processing, relaxation, and motor skills gained through water therapy can translate to other areas of a child’s life, leading to better focus, increased participation in daily activities, and a greater sense of well-being.

Important Considerations:

While hydrotherapy offers a range of potential benefits, it’s important to remember that it may not be suitable for all children with ASD. Some children may experience anxiety or fear around water. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional and a qualified therapist to determine if hydrotherapy is the right fit for your child.

Making a Wave:

Hydrotherapy offers a fun and engaging way to address some of the challenges associated with ASD. If you’re looking for a complementary approach to support your child’s development, consider exploring the world of water therapy. It might just be the perfect wave to help your child reach their full potential.

Making the Most of Your NDIS Funding: Your Guide to Support Coordination

Making the Most of Your NDIS Funding: Your Guide to Support Coordination

The NDIS opens doors to a world of possibilities, but navigating the system and managing your funding can feel overwhelming. That’s where Support Coordinators come in – your partners in maximizing your NDIS journey.

This blog dives into how Support Coordinators can empower you to:

Stretch Your NDIS Dollars:

  • Understanding Your Plan: Support Coordinators break down your NDIS plan, explaining funding categories and allocation. They work with you to prioritize goals and ensure your budget aligns with achieving them.

  • Cost-Effective Support: They’ll explore a range of funded and unfunded support options, helping you find the best fit for your needs without exceeding your budget.

Building Your Support Network:

  • Connecting with Providers: Support Coordinators leverage their network to connect you with NDIS providers who specialize in your specific needs. They’ll help you compare options, ensuring you find providers who align with your goals and preferences.

  • Community Links: They don’t just focus on NDIS services. They’ll explore community resources, support groups, and government programs that complement your NDIS plan and foster a broader support system.

Empowering You for Success:

  • Goal Setting & Tracking: Support Coordinators partner with you to define your NDIS goals and develop a plan to achieve them. They’ll track progress and adapt your support network as your needs evolve.

  • Building Independence: A core aspect of their role is to empower you to manage your NDIS plan over time. They’ll equip you with the skills to negotiate service agreements, manage budgets, and advocate for your needs.

Imagine this:

  • You confidently navigate your NDIS plan, maximizing your funding to achieve your goals.
  • You have a network of reliable providers and community supports tailored to your specific needs.
  • You feel empowered and in control of your NDIS journey.

That’s the power of a Support Coordinator.

Taking the Next Step:

If you’re an NDIS participant seeking to get the most out of your plan, consider including Support Coordination in your next review. Talk to your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to learn more. Remember, a Support Coordinator is there to work with you, not for you. Together, you can unlock the full potential of your NDIS and achieve a life of greater independence and fulfillment.

The Playground: A Paradise for Growing Minds and Bodies

The Playground: A Paradise for Growing Minds and Bodies

Playgrounds are more than just swings and slides; they’re vibrant hubs where children can blossom. As they climb, run, and explore, playgrounds provide a natural environment that fosters a child’s overall growth and development in several key areas. Let’s delve into how playgrounds nurture:

1. Gross Motor Skills:

Running, jumping, climbing on structures, and navigating uneven surfaces all work wonders for a child’s gross motor skills. Playgrounds offer a safe space for mastering these fundamental movements, crucial for balance, coordination, and agility. Imagine a child scaling a climbing frame, pulling them upwards with their arms and pushing with their legs, strengthening major muscle groups.

2. Fine Motor Skills:

Sandboxes transform into miniature construction sites, fostering creativity and fine motor skill development. Picking up grains of sand, molding them in small molds, and building intricate castles all require dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Think of tiny fingers carefully grasping a shovel, manipulating sand, and constructing a masterpiece.

3. Motor Planning:

Swinging requires planning and coordination. Children learn to push off, pump their legs, and maintain balance – all crucial for motor planning. Picture a child strategizing their swings, judging the height and momentum needed to reach a certain point. Playgrounds provide a platform to develop these essential skills.

4. Sensory Input:

Playgrounds are a sensory wonderland. The feel of smooth slides, the crunch of gravel underfoot, the contrasting textures of climbing walls, and the vibrant colors of equipment all stimulate the senses. Imagine a child running barefoot on the cool grass, feeling the different textures, and enriching their sensory awareness.

5. Social Skills:

Playgrounds are social epicenters. Children learn to share equipment, take turns, negotiate, and build friendships. From collaborative sandcastle building to imaginative games on the swings, playgrounds foster social interaction and communication. Think of a group of children working together on a pretend play scenario, learning to cooperate and solve problems.

Beyond the Fun:

The benefits of playgrounds extend far beyond mere entertainment. They provide a crucial space for healthy development, preparing children for future academic and social success. So next time you visit a playground, remember, it’s not just a place to burn energy – it’s a springboard for a child’s growth and development.

Super Squishy Fun: How to Make Playdough for OT and Playtime

Super Squishy Fun: How to Make Playdough for OT and Playtime

Making playdough at home is a fun and easy activity that can keep kids entertained for hours. But did you know that playdough can also be a valuable tool for occupational therapy (OT)?

Benefits of Playdough for OT

Playdough provides a variety of benefits for children who are working on developing their fine motor skills, hand strength, and coordination. Here are a few of the ways that OT professionals use playdough in therapy:

  • Strengthens hand muscles: Kneading, pinching, and rolling playdough helps to strengthen the muscles in the hands and forearms. This is important for tasks such as grasping a pencil, buttoning a shirt, and tying shoelaces.
  • Improves dexterity: Playdough activities can help children to develop the small motor skills they need to perform tasks such as picking up small objects and manipulating tools.
  • Enhances coordination: Rolling playdough into snakes, flattening it into shapes, and using cookie cutters all require coordination between the hands and eyes.
  • Provides sensory input: Playdough can be a great way for children to explore different textures and sensations. This can be helpful for children who have sensory processing difficulties.
  • Promotes creativity: Playdough allows children to use their imaginations and create anything they can think of. This can be a great way for them to express themselves and learn new things.

Making Playdough is Easy!

In addition to the benefits listed above, making playdough at home is a great way to bond with your child and create a fun sensory experience. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 2 cups water
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. In a large pot, whisk together the flour, salt, and cream of tartar.

  2. Stir in the oil and water.

  3. If you’re using food coloring, add a few drops now and stir until the dough is evenly colored.

  4. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly. The dough will start to thicken and become difficult to stir.

  5. Continue stirring until the dough forms a ball and pulls away from the sides of the pot.

  6. Remove the pot from the heat and let the dough cool slightly.

  7. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth and elastic.

  8. Store the playdough in an airtight container at room temperature.


  • If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour.
  • If the dough is too dry, add a little more water.
  • You can add a few drops of essential oil to the dough for a pleasant scent.
  • Get creative with your playdough! There are endless possibilities for what you can create.


Making playdough at home is a fun and easy activity that can benefit children of all ages. Playdough can be a valuable tool for occupational therapy, and it’s also a great way to keep kids entertained and engaged. So next time you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your child, why not try making some playdough?

Lead Practitioner Approach: Building Capacity with Consistent Support

Lead Practitioner Approach: Building Capacity with Consistent Support

Lead Practitioner Approach: Building Capacity with Consistent Support

The Challenge: Juggling Multiple Support Services

Imagine needing help for your child who has sensory processing difficulties. You might require an Occupational Therapist (OT) to assist with self-regulation at home and school. But what if there are also concerns about swallowing during meals? Now you need a Speech Therapist as well. Suddenly, you’re navigating consultations and coordinating support from various professionals.

The Lead Practitioner Approach: A Streamlined Solution

The Lead Practitioner Approach offers a different way. It utilizes a trans-disciplinary team with a designated Lead Practitioner as your primary point of contact. This practitioner, often matched to your specific needs (like an OT in our example), becomes your central support system.

Benefits of the Lead Practitioner Approach

  • Builds Trust and Consistency: Having one main contact fosters a strong, trusting relationship. The Lead Practitioner gets to know you and your child well, leading to more effective support.
  • Seamless Collaboration: The Lead Practitioner works within a trans-disciplinary team. If additional expertise is needed, like a Speech Therapist in our example, the Lead Practitioner seamlessly integrates their support for a holistic approach.
  • Empowering You: Our “3 E’s” practice principles – Everyday life support, Expertise recognition, and Empowerment – ensure the Lead Practitioner works within your routine and recognizes you as the expert on your child. The goal is to empower you with the skills to manage challenges independently. See our what our 3E’s are all about here. 

How Does it Work?

  • Initial Assessment: The Lead Practitioner works with you to identify your goals and priorities.
  • Ongoing Support: The Lead Practitioner delivers support based on your goals, utilizing the “3 E’s” principles.
  • Collaboration for Additional Needs: If other specialists are required, the Lead Practitioner consults and coordinates their involvement. This ensures a unified approach and avoids juggling multiple professionals. See what ICJP professionals can do to help with your goals here. 
  • Focus on Long-Term Independence: The Lead Practitioner equips you with the skills and knowledge to manage challenges independently, reducing ongoing support needs.

The Lead Practitioner Approach: Aligning with Best Practices in Early Childhood Intervention

The Lead Practitioner Approach isn’t just effective, it aligns perfectly with the National Guidelines for Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention established by ECIA [ECIA source not found]. Here’s how:

  • Family-Centered Care: The Lead Practitioner fosters a strong relationship with the family, building trust and ensuring their priorities and goals are central to the intervention plan.
  • Respecting Diversity: The Lead Practitioner works within the family’s cultural background and respects their values and beliefs.
  • Community Participation: Support is delivered within the family’s everyday routine, ensuring the child can participate meaningfully in their home and community life.
  • Learning Through Everyday Activities: The Lead Practitioner utilises the “3 E’s” approach, specifically supporting the child’s development through everyday experiences.
  • Teamwork with a Key Worker (Lead Practitioner): The Lead Practitioner acts as the key worker, coordinating the trans-disciplinary team and ensuring clear communication with the family.
  • Empowering Families: By building the family’s capacity and knowledge, the Lead Practitioner empowers them to support their child’s development independently.
  • Goal-Oriented Intervention: The Lead Practitioner works collaboratively with the family to establish goals and ensure the intervention aligns with their desires for their child.
  • Evidence-Based Practices: The Lead Practitioner utilizes their expertise and collaborates with other qualified professionals, ensuring interventions are based on sound research.

The Lead Practitioner Approach goes beyond simply providing support; it fosters a collaborative environment that empowers families and strengthens their ability to help their children thrive. This aligns perfectly with the core principles of best practices in Early Childhood Intervention, making it a valuable tool for professionals working with young children and their families.

At ICJP, we believe the Lead Practitioner Approach empowers individuals and families to build capacity and thrive.